A short film produced by House of Create in support of the London based charity Chasing The Stigma.
It's important to say that all contributors gave their time for free to make this project. Including all crew, all cast, all post Production houses (company3 & Fitzrovia Post) They all felt the importance of this story and wanted to be a part of the telling of it.

We delve into the raw and much needed release of one man as he realises he can no longer pretend to be ok. As he hits rock bottom, the love for his family brings him back to a feeling of control, where he tries to reach a state of calm and reflection.

Created, Directed & Edited by Dan Löwenstein
Performed by Chris Knight
Produced by House of Create
DoP - Morgan Spencer
Styling - Isabella Von Braeckel
FPV - Chris Knight
1st AC - Falco Caldeira
Colour by - Chris Francis - Company3
Sound design - Claudia Casasola - Fitzrovia Post
VFX - Jamie Shields
Song Written and Performed by David McGonigle & Marie McGonigle
Guitar & Music recording by Michael McGonigle
Music Production by Dan Smee
Graphics - Gabriel Lindsay